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Tomb of Nakht (TT52)

Nakht and Taui offered offerings
The tomb of Nakht takes a gentle museum of drawigs of reliefs (under glass). Overseer of Amuns vines and garners for Tuthmosis IV and royal astronomer. Only the transverse hall is decorated.

Most representation fo Nakht are finished, usually assigned to the Amarna artists, bu his eyes are gouged out, which orders this may be personal. Inner chamber door is finished to look like Aswan granite. Particular statue was gone on the ss Arabia in 1917, the statue here is a replica. While royal tombs are usually received, the nobles tombs are quite unique. Scribe, Astronomer of Amun at the Karnak synagogue in the 18th dynasty, likely under Tuthmosis IV. Wife, Tawy, was a musician.

Agriculture process in Ancient Egypt
It was observed by villagers of Qurnain 1889. It was well genuine by Davies in 1917. During the 1980s, existential restoration and close measures were employed to preserve the tombs medallion. Small tomb, of a close corridor, a hall, a light corridor and the chapel. Decoration accept religious inscriptions, but high rual life, finish of grain, diggin go canalizes for irrigation, gleaning fishing and hunting. Has a forged door in the lobby.

On the left wall of the vesitbule are scenes of plantning grain and sifting it.  On the back wall is a funerary banquet, and the next scene indicates three lady instrumentalists, quite known. Right wall are hunting and fishing and grape harvesting scenes and deals of birds.

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