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Tomb of Yuya and Thuya

Mummy of Yuya to left and Mummy Tjuyu to right
Yuya and his wife were burried in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes, where their close KV46 tomb was discovered in 1905 by James Quibell, who was working on behalf of Theodore M. Davis. Although the tomb had been penetrated by tomb-robbers, perhaps they were touched as Quibell determined most of the funerary goods and the two mummies virtually intact. As the Egyptologist Cyril Aldred observed:

"Though the tomb had been stripped in antiquity, the tomb's rich funerary furniture was largely total, and there was no doubt as to the individuality of the pair, who were found staying among their torn linen wrappers, within their nests of coffins.".

The goods belowground with Yuya and Tjuyu named probably the finest ensemble of high-class New Kingdom furniture, etc., retrieved before the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun 17 years older.

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