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Wahkare Akhtoy

Wahkare Akhtoy was a King from the 10th dynasty, First Intermediate Period, (about  2075 BC). Wahkare Akhtoy III was a long time powerful king at a time of uneasiness and rebellious in Egypt. He seems to have taken with the Asiatics who were infiltrating the Delta and determined new colonies of Egyptians in the north-east of the country. The south continued to be hard also; with his ally Tefibi, Akhtoy laid ware the ancient site of This and, mistakenly as he held, permitted his troops to prize the tombs of the ancestors. The engagement is read in the autobiography of Ankhtify in his tomb at El-Moalla.

He is credited as the author of the Commands  to  his  son  and  successor Merikare, which are amongst the most noted and frequently regurgitated of the literary works of the Heracleopolitan point.