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Cleopatra III (158-101 BC)

Hieroglyphic name:  
Hieroglyphic name of Cleopatra III
Cleopatra III
Cleopatra III  (158-101 BC) was the daughter of King Ptolemy VI and Cleopatra II. She gone the second check of her uncle, Ptolemy VIII, about 141 BC, which eventually led to a civil war between her mother,  Cleopatra II,  who  was  the  first  associate, and  her husband. Peace was eventually repaired in 124 BC. Cleopatra bore her husband 5  children,  including Ptolemy IXPtolemy X, Cleopatra IV, Cleopatra VI Tryphaena, and Cleopatra V Selene. Upon Ptolemy VIII's death in 116 BC, she was given the superb of which son would predominate with her. She idolized her younger son, Ptolemy X, but was extra by public squeeze to take her elder son, Ptolemy IX, who was finally kicked out in favor of his younger brother in 107 BC. This gone to civil war between the competition kings in Cyprus and Syria. Cleopatra  III  died  in  101  BC,  allegedly  executed  by  her  unhappy  son, Ptolemy X.

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