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Ptolemy XV Caesarion (44-30)

Hieroglyphic name:
Hieroglyphic name of Ptolemy XV
Ptolemy XV
Ptolemy XV Caesarion was the son of Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar, Ptolemy XV got  his reign in  44  B.C.E. Although he was  only  a child, he was set up to the throne to conserve him. Ptolemy XIV, who had been coruler with Cleopatra VII, had been slain to make room for him.

Named  Caesarion,  his  throne  name  stood for  Heir  of the Living God, the Chosen One of Ptah, Living the Rule of Re, the Living Image of Amun. He was described with his  mother  on  the  wall  of  the  temple  of  Dendereh as being extended to the gods. The Roman Senate in 42 B.C.E. shopped Ptolemy XV's peak to the throne. He discovered  the  doomed  battle  of Actium and  the  death of Cleopatra VII and Marc Antony and then was dead by the Romans, reportedly a death set up by Augustus (Octavian) at the urgency of Aeries Didymos, Ptolemy XV's former tutor.

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