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Barbara Georgina Adams (1945-2002)

In June of 2002, archaeology and especially Egyptian archaeology lost one of its stars in the early death of Barbara Georgina Adams who was born on February 19, 1945 in Hammersmith, west of London, to Elaine and Charles Bishop.  Barbara Adams had get a world known archaeologist, with many books to her credit and an expert on Predynastic Egypt, who worked for legion years at the most essential Predynastic site in Egypt, Hierakonpolis.  Yet her life history did not get in archaeology, but in the very different science of bugology with work as a scientific assistant in the British Museum of Natural History, where she trained in museum functions such as enrolment and marking of specimens.  She educated to analyze and mount good specimens using the microscope and became the under to the world expert in Symphyta, Mr. R.B. Benson.  In 1964 Barbara changed to the department of anthropology to assist Dr. K.P. Oakley.  Here she gained some knowledge of early instruments, Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic, and learned a basic knowledge of human skeletal anatomy which would be an advantage in her future work at very early graveyard sites in Egypt.

Although she accredited the Hollywood film Valley of the Kings with raising her worry in ancient Egypt, Barbaras exercise at the Petrie Museum, which began in 1965, really started her teaching about the Nile valley cultures.  There she cultivated with Professor Harry S. Smith who given the Edwards Chair in Egyptian Archaeology at University College London, the position first held by the identified Sir William Mathew Flinders Petrie.  Dr. Smith, a kind, beautiful as well as erudite valet, was credited by Barbara as her most serious wise man who gratified the fledgling to take escape in his own taken field of Egyptian archaeology.  She would see more by hands-on experience in museums and in the subject than in the classroom.  Barbaras first archaeological have was in England, nevertheless, when she cultivated with the University of Leeds excavations in Yorkshire on solitary medieval villages.  She helped Don Brothwell, who was the Assistant Keeper of Anthropology at the British Museum of Natural History, good with him on cemetery digs such as Winchester in 1965. The following year she engaged the University of Nottingham digging of a Romano-British site at Dragonby, Linconshire. At the Petrie Museum, Barbara shown objects, served inquiries, and did conservation work, notably pot reconstruction and bronze stabilization.  Mud-incrusted ivories from the Main Deposit at Hierakonpolis were her first link to the archaeological site that would be a leading part of her future work in Egypt.  She married Robert F. Adams on September 27 th , 1967, and attributable her husband with being quite collateral of her career and her independency. That same year Barbara took an Archaeological Field Techniques and Pursuing Course at the University of Cambridge. Her first trip to Egypt came in 1969: a standard tour.  In 1974 appeared her best book, Ancient Hierakonpolis,  about 450 miles south of Cairo and the only leading site of the Pre-dynastic period which is still continued as a unit. Her book is a catalog of objects in the Petrie Museum found by the early Twentieth Century excavators Quibell and Green in the alluvial town temple, where the main deposit disciplined some of the most essential early dynastic objects, such as the Narmer Palette and the Scorpion Macehead..  Her real achievement was the issue and explication of the original field notes of F.W. Green, which she published as Ancient Hierakonpolis Supplement the like year.  This began her career in the excavation of museum basements and archives end-to-end the United Kingdom, which would developed stunning results in the future.

By 1975, because of her large knowledge of the vast properties of the Petrie Museum, Mrs. Adams was promoted to Academic Staff of the Petrie Museum as Assistant Curator. She produced the first guide book to the collecting in 1977 (revised edition 1981) and supervised students learning conservation at Londons Institute of Archaeology.  In 1976 Adams visited senior museums in the United States, specifically to study targets from the early mining of Hierakonpolis by Quibell and Green (1898-1900).  In 1978 she linked the University of the Negev excavation at Tell esh-Sharia, Israel, a Late Bronze-Iron Age site.

1980 was the year she joined the American Research Center- supported team big by Michael A. Hoffman at Hierakonpolis, where she served in the digging of the Pre-dynastic cemetery of the elite universe, such as the princes in Locality 6, in 1980, 82, and 86, with study seasons that work in 1988 and 1992. This has been seen as the senior landmark in her vocation as an archaeologist.   She worked there likewise at the site of the ancient township Nekhen with Walter Fairservis in 1981 and 84, having an important donation to the ceramic dating of Hoffmans stratigraphic sondage in Nekhens straight 10N5W.  When Hoffman died circumstantially and still quite young in 1990, the task of printing his work fell to Barbara.  As co-director of the dispatch with Renee Friedman from 1996, Barbara kept the work going at this essential site, resuming digs in the elite cemetery which, although affected as over-worked by earlier excavators, still yielded vital data, just as Barbara  had anticipated.  She discovered Egypts first funerary cloaks and the earliest life-sized statue in what was the deepest tomb (from 3600 B.C.).  Hierakonpolis doubtless has provided the most data on the origin of Egyptian culture thanks to such past work at both the Predynastic cemetery and villages and the Dynastic city site of Nekhen.  Meanwhile in England too, Adams rediscovered important ancient Egyptian objectives such as the lions of Coptos (found in the Wellcome Museum memory and released in 1984) and objects from Garstangs mining in the Fort cemetery at Hierakonpolis in the National Museums on Merseyside, Liverpool, in the Bolton Museum, and in  both the British Museum and the University Museum, Swansea.  Thus a break picture of the culture of Hierakonpolis was now fit to be rebuilt and studied.

The early 1980s saw Barbara much complicated in fund producing for a new Petrie Museum (over which she was now Curator). To prepare herself and the museum for modernisation, she attended seminars on the computerization of tapes and monitored a computer database for the collecting.  She was successful in obtaining a grant towards the cost of substitute of a whole archive collection, approximately 9000 cellulose nitrate negatives, and also for the conservation of wax encaustic Roman period mummy portrayals.

Public talking, museum seminars and exhibits organized by Adams were means to disseminate information about the on-going breakthroughs that were making light on the origin of the Egyptian civilization and the break of the city.  Two trips to the United States come this.  In 1987 she worked with Michael Hoffman and the stave of the Hierakonpolis expedition on a traveling exhibition The First Egyptians corporate ab initio in Columbia, South Carolina. Her books The Fort Cemetery at Hierakonpolis appeared in 1987 was the next year by Predynastic Egypt (in the Shire Egyptology series).  Back in England, Barbara union the Friends of the Petrie Museum to concur with the museums re-opening in June, 1988 and continued the museums guiding force in attendant years. Traveling expos of Predynastic and Early Dynastic physical from the Petrie collection were sent to France (Marseilles) and she cooperated with the choice of ancientnesses for a large number of museum expositions during the 1980s and 1990s around the world.

Following  Michael Hoffmanns untimely death due to cancer in 1991, Barbara Adams collaborated with fellow-expedition penis Renee Friedman on a memorial volume for Hoffmann, traveling to Oakland California where Friedman was then based. Later Adams would write that she was most pleased of this volume: The Followers of Horus. The pursuing year, 1992, took her to Tenerife in the Canary Islands as a seeing expert on Egyptian pottery in their Archaeological Museum. In 1994, 95, and 96 Adams was awarded the Gertrude Caton-Thompson (q.v.) Egyptology Department allows by University College London towards comparative research in the Brussels Museum.  In particular she had guaranteed to study inflamed greywacke vase fragmentise from the Umm el Qaab graveyard at Abydos, a exercise that she was able to good and which will be published posthumously.  In 1996 she travel to Melbourne, Australia to advise on the Predynastic and Dynastic Egyptian collecting in the National Gallery of Victoria.  By the fall of 1997, Barbara Adams taken the Directorship of resumed digs in the locality of the elite memorial park at Hierakonpolis.

Her editorship of the Shire Egyptology Series, small books given to a single topic and written by experts, now counting  over 25, have offered up-to-date information on a form of matters of interest to masters and non-professionals,  running from Mummies (her own, 1984 and 92) to Materials, to Pottery, to Warfare and Weapons. The world of Egyptology and archaeology must mourn the new red of such a winning woman scholar: museum conservator, educator, and digger.  Particularly important about her effective career and her writing of ten scholarly monographs is Barbara Adams lack of ball education in her field.  She named her early experience at the Natural History Museum her true alma mater and due Harry Smith for promoting her to dare to follow her dreams, citing jobs with other male university profs who apparently frustrated to hold her back due, probably, to her lack of formal classroom study. Adams achievement was undoubtedly due to brilliance and determination and to the persistence she inspired on younger people to which she added: work hard, but on no account back stab to gain advance.


Ancient Hierakonpolis and Supplement  Warminster, 1974.

With Angela P. Thomas, translation and adaptation of Guide Poche Marcus:
Egypt.  Paris and Cairo, 1976.

et. al.  Guide to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, 1977, revised 1981,
1988, 1990, 1994.

Egyptian Objects in the Victoria and Albert Museum  Warminster. 1978.

With Richard Jaeschke, The Koptos Lions,  Milwaukee, 1984.

Sculptured Pottery from Koptos, Warminster, 1986.

Predynastic Egypt, Aylesbury, 1988.

Egyptian Musssies, Aylesbury, 1988.Egyptian Mummies, revised reprint, Aylesbury, 1992.

Editor with Renee Friedman, The Followers of Horus: Studies Dedicated to
Michael Allen Hoffman 1944-1990, Egyptian Studies Association publication 2,
Oxford, 1992.

Ancient Nekhen: Garstang in the City of Hierakonpolis, Egypt Studies
Association Publication, No.3, 1995.

With Krzysztof Cialowicz,  Protodynastic Egypt,  Aylesbury, 1998.

Birds and the Pharaohs,  Birds of the World, Part 5, Vol. 4, 1969, 1134-1138.

Petries Manuscript: Notes on the Foundation Deposits of Tuthmosis III,
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 61 (1975)m 102-111.

With R.H. Brill and I. L. Barnes, Lead Isotopes in some ancient Egyptian
Objects, Recent Advances in Science and Technology of Materials, vol. 3 (1975),

Hierakonpolis, Lexicon der ?gyptologie,  Band II, Lieferung 16, 1977, 1182-

With Rosalind Hall. New Exhibitions in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian
Archaeology, The Museum Archaeologist, Dec., 1979, 9-12.

A Lettuce for Min,  G?ttinger Miszellen, no. 37, 1980, 9-15.

The Re-Discovery of the Koptos Lions,  London Federation of Museums and
Art Galleries Newsletter, no. 3, Dec., 1980, 3-4.

Petrie Museum Appeal,  London Federation of Museums and Art Galleries
Newsletter, no. 6, May, 1982, 6.22-6.4.