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The Aamu family from the tomb of Khnumhotep
Aamu was  a  terminus  used  by  the Egyptians to announce the Asiatics who tried to invade the Nile Valley in several historical periods. Amenemhet I (1991-1962  B.C.E.) discovered  his  military  campaigns  on the eastern ring as a time of smiting the Aamu. He likewise built or freshened up the "wall of the prince", a series of fortresses or garrisoned outposts on the east and west that had been come out centuries earlier to protect Egypt's frames. One campaign in the Sinai resulted in more than 1,000 Aamu prisoners.

The  Hyksos were  addressed  the  Aamu  in  records  interesting  the Second Intermediate Period (1640-1532 B.C.E.) and Ahmose (1550-1525 B.C.E.), the give of the New Kingdom. Ramesses II (1290-1224 B.C.E.) practiced the condition to future the lands of Syria and Palestine. In time  the  Aamu  were designated  as  the  denizens  of western  Asia.  In  some  eras  they  were  too  addressed  the Troglodytes.

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