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Aazehreu in hieroglyphic
Aazehre (1523  B.C.E.), or Khamudi,  was the last  ruler  of  the  Hyksos Fifteenth  Dynasty, called the Great Hyksos. Khamudi dominated from c. 1550 B.C.E. until his death. He is  named  in  the  turin canon and  was  addressed  Asseth  by Manetho, the Ptolemaic Period (304-30 B.C.E.) historian. In gone numbers he is identified Aazekhre. Khamudis Obelisk
Cartouche with the name of Khamudi
was learned at the broken capital of Avaris in the eastern  Delta.  He  had  the  ill luck  of  rising  to might  when Ahmose (1550-1525  B.C.E.)  became  the break of the Eighteenth Dynasty at Thebes. There was a period  of  relative  calm  for  the  best  decade  of Ahmoses rule, but upon reaching majority he revived Thebess assault on the Hyksos, ultimately ousting them from ability and drawing them to flee from Egypt.

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