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Amurru letter to pharaoh
Abdiashirta is the swayer of Amurru, modern Syria. Abdiashirta  reigned over  Amurru,  famous  today  as  a part  of  Syria,  and  was  a  vassal  of  Amenhotep III (1391-1353  B.C.E.).  His  son  and  replacement  was  Aziru. Abdiashirta  made  an  alliance  with  the  Hittites, connecting Suppiluliumas I against  the  empire of  the  Mitannis, the loyal allies of Egypt. Abdiashirta and Amurru epitomise the  political  problems  of  Egypt  that  would  rise in  the rule  of  Akhenaten (1353-1335  B.C.E.)  and  in  the Ramessid Period (1307-1070 B.C.E.).

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