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Abisko Location
Abisko a place  south  of  the  best  cataract  of  the  Nile, near contemporary Aswan. Inscriptions dating to Montuhotep II (2061-2010 B.C.E.) were discovered at Abisko. These inscriptions close Montuhotep IIs Nubian efforts, part of his movements to unify and strengthen Egypt after the First Intermediate Period (2134-2040  B.C.E.) and  to defeat  local  gray rulers  who  could  threaten  the states borders. During Montuhotep II's prevail and those of his Middle Kingdom successors, the area south of Aswan was seized and garrisoned for trade organizations and  the  reaping  of  natural  resources  available  in  the region. Canals, fortresses, and storage areas were put into situation at strategic locales.

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