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Actium was a  promontory  on  the  western  coast  of Greece at the entrance to the Ambracian Gulf is where a decisive battle for ensure of Egypt and the Roman empire occurred  in  31  B.C.E. Octavian,  the  future  Augustus, met  Marc  Antony and Cleopatra VII (5130  B.C.E.) at Actium.  Antony  was  encamped on  the  place,  and  the  naval battle  that  took  set  outside  of  the  gulf  allowed  the name for the battle. Octavians 400 ships frustrated the 500 vases of Marc Antony and Cleopatra VII, and they flied to Alexandria. Antony  gave  suicide  right  of Alexandria, and Cleopatra VII, facing immurement and humiliation,  downed  herself  when  the  Roman  forces  started residence  in  the  city  soon  afterwards  the  battle.  Octavian (Emperor Augustus) pioneered an Olympic-style serial of games at Actium to remember his triumph there.

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