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Agatharchides is a Chronicler and trade expert. He served Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (170-163, 145-116  B.C.E.) in the capital of Alexandria. Born  a Greek in Cnidus, a city on the seashore of Anatolia (modern Turkey), Agatharchides  went to Egypts capital to study the monumental archives in the Library of Alexandria. As a effect of his scholarly repute, he was approved by Ptolemys officials to prepare a heavy report on the citys  trade and commerce. Agatharchides got on The Red Sea, a work  that  used  testimony from modern  merchants and  traders. Their stories offer historical legitimacy to the account and offer vivid perceptivities into the wide-ranging trade efforts of that  time. Agatharchides is considered one of the most healthy scholars of the 2nd century B.C.E. He also wrote Events in Asia and Events in Europe, now musing.

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