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The hieroglyphic name of Akhet
Akhet was the temper of inundation in the ancient Egyptian calendar, the coming of Sirius, the dogstar, addressed Sopdu by the Egyptians and Sothis by the Greeks, signed the start of the annual swamping of the Nile. When this sign come out in the spheres the river was set to open over the subjects and orchards on the  banks, stimulating the land with silt and effluvium from Africas core. Akhet was the first temper of the year, relieved as it did with the coming of the Nile, a component that full Egyptians read as basic to the nations animation. Akhet was one of the three major flavours of the Egyptian calendar year, with a duration of four 30-day months. Akhet was come on the calendar by the seasons Proyet and Shomu.

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