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Al-Maadi or Maadi is a situation set south of Cairo dating to the Predynastic Period (c. 3100 B.C.E.). Paleolithic colonies were named at Maadi, part of the degrees called Naqada I and II. There were three necropolises observed in the  area,  taking  one  at  Wadi  Digla.  Remains  of  oval and circular-shaped houses were learned at this site. Posts stuck into  the earth attended as feet,  which were intentional out of muck daub and wattle. Interior hearths, an  advance  of  the  time, were too discovered as part  of the  designs  of  these  abodes. There  is  microscopic  indication, yet, that roofs were included in the constructions. Wind-breaks  and  sheltering  walls  formed  the  only  shelter for inhabitants. Demonstrations of agriculture and crafts are  ready  at  Maadi,  as  well  as  ancient  copper  works.

too found were wares strange from Palestine and donkey rests. Maadi helped as  an  gone  trading post for Palestinian goods. The early Egyptians established trade  with  neighboring  countries  in  the  basic  dynastic periods  and  protected  a  policy  of  searching  natural resources as the civilization inflated on the Nile.

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