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Karomama II

Karomama II (full name Karomama Meritmut; too famous as Karomama D, Merytmut II) was an ancient Egyptian queen, Great Royal Wife of pharaoh Takelot II of the 23rd Dynasty of Egypt.

Karomama brought various titles some as King's Wife, King's Daughter, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt. She was a daughter of the High Priest of Amun Nimlot C and the lady Tentsepeh C. Her paternal grandparents were pharaoh Osorkon II and queen Djedmutesankh.

Karomama joined pharaoh Takelot II and was mother of King Osorkon III. Karomama likewise was the grandma of both pharaohs Takelot III and Rudamun and of the God's Wife of Amun Shepenupet I Karomama is famous from the Chronicle of Osorkon B at Karnak and the Nile Quay Texts dating to the reign of her son Osorkon III.

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