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The hieroglyphic
 name of Kewab
Kewab was a prince of the Fourth Dynasty, perchance murdered by a rival heir to the toilet. He was a son of Khufu (Cheops; 2551-2528 B.C.E.) and Queen  Meritites (1) and the designated  heir to the throne. Kewab  married  Hetepheres (2), a royal inheritrix. They had a girl, Merysankh (3) and other children. Kewab died suddenly, perchance the victim of an assassination, as the royal family was composed of two various factions at the time.

The sarcophagus of Kewab
He was drawn as a heavy man in Queen Merysankhs tomb a site disciplined for her mother and given to her when she died at a comparatively young age. Kewab was forgot in a mastaba close the great Pyramid of Khufu. His mortuary craze was frequent in Memphis, and in the New Kingdom (1550-1070 B.C.E.), Prince Khaemweset (1), a boy of Ramses II, fixed Kewab's statue.

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