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Part of the Nastasen Stela
with name of Khababash
Khababash was an Egyptian rebel named in the Satrap Stela. Considered a replacement to Nectanebo II (360-343 B.C.E.), Khababash led a rebellion against the Persians sometime around 338 B.C.E. Ptolemy I Soter (304-284 B.C.E.) was the satrap (parochial regulator) of Egypt for Phillip III Arrhidaeus (333-316 B.C.E.) and Alexander IV (316-304 B.C.E.) when he published the stella to link his hold prevail to that of Khababash, who was a national champion. Khababash ruled over a small part of Egypt, during the Persian occupation of the Nile Valley. He had the throne name of Senentanen-setepenptah.

More about Khababash at:

Torok (L.), Between two worlds the frontier region between ancient Nubia and Egypt 3700 BC - AD 500, Brill Academic Publishers, 2008, PP.373, 374.

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