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Khakheperresonbes Complaints

Khakheperresonbes Complaints is a literary work compiled in the Twelfth Dynasty (1991-1783 B.C.E.) or in the Second Intermediate Period (1640-1550  B.C.E.),  the lasting copy, dating to the New Kingdom (1550-1070 B.C.E.),  is  now  in  the British Museum in  London. Khakheperresonbe was a priest in Heliopolis and wrote on the frequent theme of a nation in suffering. He carries on a conversation with his heart and receives direction for silent  braveness  in  the  face  of  hard knocks. The  Complaints conditions a dolorous cadence and is similar to, or perhaps a version of, the study of a man with his soul. The work gone the staple of schools and gone as a lesson board. Egyptians appreciated clarifying literature as well as poetry and spiritual works.

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