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The Horus name of Khian
Khian was one of the  great  Hyksos rulers of the 15th Dynasty (1640-1532 B.C.E.). He  ruled  from  Avaris in  the  eastside  Delta  on  the Bubastite  separate  of  the Nile,  and  he  was  a  vigorous monarch, disdain the fact that Upper Egypt, the southern domain,  was  in  the  control  of  Thebes.  Khian's  dedications  are  still  visible  whole  across  Egypt  and  even  in  the Knossus of Crete. A granite lion form that was established into the wall of a put up in Baghdad, Iraq, takes his name as well. He decorated shrines at Gebelein and Bubastis, and Scarabs and seal feeling of his name have been addressed  in  the  Levant.  A  fragment  of  a  vase  with  his titles  was  excavated  at  Hattusas, the capital of Hittite.

Lion inscribed with
the cartouche of Khyan

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