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Magical Lullaby

The Magical Lullaby (popularly knew as Charm for the Protection of a Child) is an lettering from the 16th or 17th century BCE. The poem illustrates the ancient Egyptian's physical religious and spiritual does as it is a spell which was sung to ward ghosts off from sleeping children. Magic (famous as heka by the Egyptians after their god of the same name) was a common prospect of daily life and religious and medical applies in ancient Egypt. The Magical Lullaby is one model of the kind of spell which everyday people would use for protection.

Most people, yet, were not 'magicians' and could not regular taken, and therefore certain spells were memorized by seeing and passed down propagation to generation. The Magical Lullaby seems to be one much spell which could be sung by lay people for protection regularly without them having to confabulate with a priest, seer, or doctor.

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