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Medir was the regulator of the 3rd Dynasty. He attended in the dominate of Djoser (2630-2611 B.C.E.). Medir was governor of close territories in Upper Egypt. When the Nile passed to rise and deluge the land over a span of years, Djoser confabulated with Medir, and with his vizier of Memphis, Imhotep, seeking repairs from them both. The two advocates proposed that Djoser should visit Elephantine Island, because he had seen the god Khnum in one of his aspirations. Khnums cult center was on the Elephantine. Djoser visited the enshrine and made certain resorts and pluses, and the Nile flooded the land presently after. This event was recorded on the famine stela at Sehel Island in a later era.

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