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Nakht I

The hieroglyphic
name of Nakht I
The Statue of Nakht
Nakht I was a mortuary official  of the Twelfth Dynasty. He attended as the mayor of the mortuary complex of King Senwosret III (1878-1841  B.C.E.)  at  Abydos.  The  son  of Khentikheti,  Nakht,  on  with  other  members  of  his family, including Neferhor, Amenisoneb, and Sehetepibe, domiciled  at  the  site  called  Enduring  Are  The  Places of Khakaur (Senwosret III) Justified in Abydos.

Nakht  overseen  the  temple  complex  of  the  dead pharaoh, maintaining the royal cult ceremonies there and rendering  the  required  daily  offers  and  commemortions. This task was taken by the family and filled until the particular of the Middle Kingdom Period with generations  of  caretakers  and  mortuary  priests  involved. The mayoral  manse  offered  for  Nakht  was  vast,  with a columned  lobby,  chambers,  a  courtyard,  and  a  garner. Large towns developed at the mortuary structures of the rulers in order to have the vast number of priests and servants committed to the sequel of service in the royal cults.

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