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Nebseni Papyrus

Nebseni Papyrus (British Museum)
Nebseni Papyrus is tuary  text, older  than  the  famed  ani papyrus. Now  in  the  British Museum,  Nebsenis  Papyrus  is  76  bases  long  by  one  foot extended.  It  is  a  mortuary  commemorative  document,  a altered  version  of  the  original,  been  the  Theban varies  of  the  late  periods,  named  a  Recension. The texts involved in the papyrus are sometimes defined in black. An address of the god Horus to his father, the god Osiris, is involved in the text file. The papyrus was discovered in Deir eL-Bahri in 1881.

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