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Nebwawi was a priestly formal of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Nebwawi  was  the  higher  priest  of Osiris at  Abydos in the reigns of Tuthmosis III (1479-1425  B.C.E.)  and  Amenhotep II (1427-1401 B.C.E.).  He  served Hatshepsut (1473-1458  B.C.E.)  in  several  capacities  but  managed to stay in favor with her successors. On occasion, Nebwawi was summoned to the court to serve as a counsel to the pharaohs, as his advice was valued. His mortuary Stela provides  details  of  his  life,  and  a  statue  was  erected  in Thebes in  his  honor.  Another  stela  honoring  Nebwawi was found in Abydos.

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