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Neferhotep I

The nebty name
of Neferhotep I
Neferhotep I was a King of the Thirteenth Dynasty, Middle Kingdom, c. 1740 BC. He was one of the marginally more winning and longerlasting of the Thirteenth Dynasty rulers, Neferhotep ruled for about nine years and established a pyramid for himself at El-Lisht. He may not have been of the royal note but he pulled the honor of succeeding geneses. Despite the doubtfulnesses of the times, Neferhotep observed contact with the Lebanon and Nubia, two rods of the Egyptian trading and smooth network. He paid direct attention to the cult of Osiris at Abydos, where he himself addressed the observances and sacred plays in reward of the god at the fetes which were essential features of the religious round in Abydos.
The Statue of Neferhotep I

He was peculiarly referred to ensure that the sacred ceremonies come the correct form, as instructed by the gods at the start of time.

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