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Amada Location
Amada was a locate in Nubia, modern Sudan, Amada  was where a temple sacred to the gods Amun and  Ra Horakhte was got by Tuthmosis IV (1401-1391 B.C.E.)  and mounted by Amenhotep III (1391-1353 B.C.E.). Tuthmosis IV extended  the  shrine  during  his rule. The shrine is observed for fine reliefs in color and for images of Messuy, the viceroy of Kush, as Nubia was addressed.  Merenptah's cartouches are as well preserved there. Messuys showing at Amada led to his recognition in some eras with Amunmesses, a supplanter observing Merenptahs rule (1224-1214 B.C.E.).
Amada Temple
King Thutmose III in front
the deities at Amada

The essential temple at Amada was put up by Ramesses II (1290-1224  B.C.E.)  with columned halls and Osiride statues of that  pharaoh. Two stelae, one dedicated to Amun-R and the other harbingering the arrival of a Hittite princess as Ramesses II's bride, were learned  there. particular paintings, halls, a sanctuary, and a chapel to the god Thoth practiced the temple design. Two more stelae, honoring different officials of the eras, were  also described on the site. The temple of Amada was went when the Aswan High Dam was manufactured.

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