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Amenemhat (Nobleman)

The hieroglyphic
name of Amenemhat
Amenemhat was Nobleman of Beni Hasan. He attended his nome Beni Hasan and the state in the reign of Senwosret I (1971-1926 B.C.E.). This  noble  typifies the nomarchs, or provincial aristocrats of Egypt, individuals who transmitted titles of prince or count in each break nome of the land. Section of Amenemhats inherited responsibility was named  Menet-khufu, idolized as the provenance of Khufu (Cheops, r. 2551-2528 B.C.E.), the constructor of the Great Pyramid at Giza. Amenemhat was the son of Khnumhotep I, inheriting  the Oryx Nome, a country always known as establishing strong support for the compelling pharaohs of Egypt.
The funerary temple of
Amenemhet in Beni Hassan
Drawing from tomb BH2
A military commander, belike leading army establishing blocks from his own territory, Amenemhat answered Senwosret I in Nubian causes, the region below Aswan (now modern Sudan).  He  led  junkets  for  trade and  handled processes in the royal targets and mines. For his services he found golden collars (symbols of honor) and 3,000  head of cattle. Amenemhat served  the  throne  of Egypt for more than than a quarter of a century.

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