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Instructions of Amenemhet

Amenemhet's Instructions
Amenemhet's Commands, a classic text that is reportedly from the prevail of Amenemhet I (1991-1962 B.C.E.) service as a last will for his son and successor, Senwosret I (1971-1926  B.C.E.), the actual text was credibly written by a scribe named Aktoy, who answered Senwosret I. The Instructions warn against trusting anyone while taking royal powers. Senwosret I was coregent when Amenemhet I was executed by a harem revolt. Amenemhet I was speaking posthumously, in this  text, describing his ordeal and list his accomplishments. There are some 70 copies of the Instructions of Amenemhet surviving, particularly in the Milligen Papyrus and the Papyrus Sallier II.

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