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The hieroglyphic
name of Kiya
Kiya was a royal woman of the Eighteenth Dynasty, maybe a Mitanni princess. She was a younger check of Akhenaten (1353-1335 B.C.E.). There is some  indication that her origins  were Mitanni and  that  she was named Tadukhipa, being the girl of King Tushratta. It is as well achievable that she was a noblewoman from Akhmin. Kiya was taken in high interpret in Akhenatens ninth regnal year, but she was outside of  favor by regnal year 11. She is showed as accepting borne 2 sons and a daughter by Akhenaten, and  she was represented on monuments in Amarna.

The statue of Kiya
After regnal year 11, however, she is no longer visible, and her name was removed from some reliefs. Kiya's coffin, gilded and inlaid in the Rishi Pattern, was found in Queen Tiye's (1) tomb, apparently accepting answered as a resting place for the continues of Smenkhare (1335-1333 B.C.E.). Canopic lids in Tiyes tomb had portrayals of Kiya. Her mummy has not been identified.

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