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Koptos Location
Koptos or Kabet was a situation south of Qena, addressed Gebtu or Kabet by the Egyptians and Koptos by the Greeks, overhaul as the capital of the fifth nome of Upper Egypt and as a center for trade dispatches to the Red Sea. Koptos was likewise the cult center of the god Min. Min  broken a temple with the goddess Isis. Three pylons and a processional way that led to a gate set up by Tuthmosis III (1479-1425 B.C.E.) were part of the temple design. Horus was likewise rewarded in this temple, spanning Egypt history. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-246 B.C.E.) added to the temple, as did Ptolemy IV Philopator (221-205 B.C.E.).  An direct temple on the internet site
Limestone slab showing the Nile
flood god Hapy, from the temple
of Thutmose III, Koptos
had been erected and adorned by Amenemhet I (1991-1962 B.C.E.) and Senwosret I (1971-1926 B.C.E.). A chapel of the god Osiris dates to the prevail of Amasis (570-526 B.C.E.). A middle temple has pluses made by Osorkon II (883-855 B.C.E.). A temple that was discovered in the southern country of Koptos was refurbished by Nectanebo II (360-343 B.C.E.). Cleopatra VII (51-30  B.C.E.) and Ptolemy XV Caesarion (44-30 B.C.E.) as well reconstructed a small chapel on the site. This chapel was used as an vaticinator. Koptos likewise had gold augur and quarries, being placed near the Wadi Hammamat.

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