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Lucius Memmius

Lucius Memmius was a roman official and scholar who came in Egypt in 112 B.C.E. His tour of the Nile Valley happened in the joint dominate of Ptolemy IX Soter II (116-107, 88-81 B.C.E.) and Cleopatra III. Memmius gone to the Faiyum part in Middle Egypt in order to consider crocodiles at Crocodilopolis. The  royal  court  at  Alexandria transmitted a letter to Faiyum officials, apprising  them to assist Lucius Memmius in his causes to see  the Labyrinth besides. The Labyrinth was the temple precinct of Amenemhet III (1844-1797 B.C.E.) at Hawara in the Faiyum. The Egyptians were learned to take  the  greatest pains  in  making  Memmius gratified at every turn.

For more about Lucius Memmius, See:

Wiseman (T. P.), "Lucius Memmius and His Family", The Classical Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 1 (May, 1967), pp. 164-167.

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