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The hieroglyphic of Meketre
The Ancient Egyptian official Meketre was chancellor and high custodian during the rule of Mentuhotep II, Mentuhotep III and maybe Amenemhat I, in the Middle Kingdom.

Meketre is first genuine in a rock dedication in the Wadi Shatt el-Rigala. Here he bears the simple title sealer. The inscription is dated to year 41 of king Mentuhotep II. On rests from the mortuary temple of the very king in Deir el-Bahari Meketre takes the title of chancellor and was evidently advertised in the meantime, succeeding Kheti. The same title was learned on a statue in Meketre's tomb while on relief fragmentizes in the tomb he held the important title of high custodian. The tomb (TT280) is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, section of the Theban Necropolis, and lies next to a large, incomplete royal tomb which was originally ascribed to king Mentuhotep III and, afterward new researchs, to Amenemhat I. Therefore, Meketre most future died under the latter king.
Chancellor Méketre watch
the counting of his cattle

Meketre's tomb TT280 contained some wooden replicas, representing the daily activities and life in Ancient Egypt, together with statuettes of ships and cattle were, miniature edifices and gardens.

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