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North Side of the West Wall of Nakht's Offering Chapel

North Side of the West Wall of Nakht's Offering Chapel
North Side of the West Wall of Nakht's Offering Chapel

 Tempera on paper
 Twentieth Century; original New Kingdom
 Dynasty 18
 Reigns of King Tuthmosis IV (1419-1386)King Amenhotep III (1382-1344)
 A.D. 1908–1914; original ca. 1400–1352 B.C.
 Geography Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
 By some artists:
  Norman de Garis Davies (1865–1941)
  Lancelot Crane (1880–1918)
  Francis Sydney Unwin (1885–1925)
  Hugh R. Hopgood , baselines l–m