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The supposed location of Punt and trade routes from Egypt to Punt via rivers, wadis, and by sea
Map of the supposed location
of Punt and trade routes
from Egypt to Punt via
rivers, wadis, and by sea
The earliest mention of Punt is on the Palermo Stone kings list,  which  notes  an  expedition  mounted  under  the  reign of the fifth dynasty king Sahure (2458—2446)‎. Contact continued sporadically until the New Kingdom. Visits to the land of Punt are not mentioned in Egyptian sources after the reign of Ramesses III (c.l 150 BCE). The scene of  an expedition to Punt from Queen Hatshepsut mortuary complex  at  Deir el-Bahri  shows Puntites  with red  skin and  facia]  features  similar to Egyptians, long or bobbed hair, goatee beards, and kilts.  The so-called queen of Punt is represented as steatopygous. These  same  reliefs  show  the  Puntites  as  a  settled  people,  with  houses  placed on stilts. The flora and fauna shown indicate a location in  coastal Sudan or Eritrea. At least some Puntites visited Egypt with  their families, but it is unlikely that many settled there.

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