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The Death of Ramses II

When King Ramses II was 92 years old, In his reign in Year 67, he was finally united with his beloved Amon. His tomb in the Valley of the Kings (KV7) was completed long before his death. Unfortunately for us, very little was left that the plundering tomb robbers hadn't stolen. Using the magnificent tomb of the relatively minor King Tutankhamon as a point of comparison, we can imagine that it must have been absolutely splendid. Ramses mummy was removed and hidden by the Valley priests at the beginning of the Third Intermediate Period, and the discover of KV5 was in a cache at Deir el-Bahari in 1881.

The new discover for KV5:

In 1989, an old tomb that had been deemed unimportant by Howard Carter in 1902 was rediscovered. It was KV5, now known to be the tomb of many of the sons of King Ramses II. It contains over 110 corridors and chambers dug hundreds of feet into the hillside. It is one of the largest tombs in all of Egypt, and is currently under excavation.

Daily hundreds of tourists stream past the remains and temples that once were either surrounded by the hustle and bustle of daily Ancient Egyptian activity, or echoed the silent communication between the Gods and humankind. Three thousand years have slipped over the desert, and day by day new discoveries appear.

The massive stone monuments, vibrating sympathetically with their celestial counterparts, have been covered and uncovered by those sands over the years. But late at night, when the humans sleep, and the nocturnal animals roam, Sirius rises in the east. And the wind whispers the name of King Ramses II or Ramesses II.

Cartouche of Ramses II

The temple in the city of Sohag of Upper Egypt, in the north side of the temple of Seti I. Any one can go to Sohag city from the capital (Cairo) by Nile river cruise or by train.

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