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The Fourteenth Dynasty

Some scholars put the fourteenth dynasty in the middle kingdom with 11th dynasty, 12th dynasty and 13th dynasty. Other scholars put it in overlap figure between the thirteenth dynasty and fifteenth dynasty through what was called the Second Intermediate Period ( Age of the decline in the arts and and decrease of the skilled workers ).

The rulers of the fourteenth dynasty probably ruled from Avaris in eastern delta in the same time with the rulers of the Thirteenth Dynasty. The origin of its rulers maybe a Semitic origin, and this dynasty take about one hundred years of age.

There are about 76 rulers or more (according to Manetho) who set at the throne from that dynasty. List of its pharaohs found in Turin Papyrus.

The scholars recorded some known kings of that dynasty like Nehesi who ruled from Avaris and his name were found there. Other known king of that dynasty is Merdjefare his name found in eastern Delta also. There are other unknown kings from the fourteenth dynasty nothing found related to them except there names like Sewadjkare, Nebdjefare, Webenre, Khakherewre, Sehebre and Nebefawre. There is no more discovers or monuments back to this dynasty.

Turin Papyrus

Turin Papyrus
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