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Leopard Head in Tutankhamun Tomb

King Tutankhamun, the "boy king" ruled for 10 years and died at the age of nineteen. He left beyond a tomb full of incredible treasures that - surprisingly enough - was comparatively unplundered.

The tomb of Tutankhamun dominated many leopard heads like this gilded special one. This head dissents from others in having the king's cartouche radiate between the eyes. The leopard head raised a garment that simulated the animal's skin. This was the recognizable garment of the Sem priest.

This head of a leopard was discovered in the antechamber in setting with robes. Its thought that priests, performing the opening of the mouth observance, attached it to their clothes while doing so. Its made of gilded wood, stone crystal, and coloured glass. A painting on the north wall of Tuts tomb indicates a priest wearing this ornament over the upper piece of his body, with the ornament leading down over his skirt.

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