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Tutankhamun Mummy

Betwen all we acknowledge about the Ancient Egyptian way of life and death, maybe the best interest has been in mummification. Fortunately, Tutankhamun mummy was intact, although not in as good a condition as was trusted. There are few royal mummies that last today, which have not at some time or other been stripped by robbers, who have torn the swathes and left the remains damaged and stripped to the atmosphere.

It was not until November 11th 1925 that the Tutankhamun mummy could be proved. How old was he actually? How did the King die? What did the King look like? The autopsy created a instead macabre view in the tomb. As Dr. Derry, Professor of Anatomy of the Egyptian University, who was dealing the examination, got his first moves. The first tears soon became manifest as the magnificent gold death mask which extended Tutankhamun head, shoulders and piece of his chest was securely stuck to the last of the coffin in which they had stayed for so long. This was due to unguents which had been streamed over the mummy after it had been settled in the coffin, which with the passing of time had preserved to a stony severity. The linen patches were in an exceedingly fragile shape and collapsed at the slightest touch. It proved unacceptable to unwrap the mummy layer by layer as they had desired. They had to track the bandages.
Tutankhamun Mummy in the Main Tomb
Tutankhamun Mummy in the main Tomb

Enclosed in many another layers of wrappings were a huge number of personal and mystical graces. The King set with his arms across his body. Every arm, from the human elbow to the wrist, was covered with bangles of gold, silver and semi-precious rocks. It was not until the larger part of the bandages had been taken, that Tutankhamun stays could be raised from the coffin. The bandages that extended the head of the King appeared to be in a better state of conservation. The removal of the last bandage from the Kings face was an exceedingly delicate process, as the risk of damaging the kings features was crowning in their heads.

The face of the sovereign, who had ended his rule over three thousand years previous, was then revealed before them. A serene, complicated and cultured face, his holds were well formed and lips distinctly marked. His eyes were partially open and had in no path been interfered with, omit to be covered with fabric saturated with resin. His skin was very delicate and cracked, yet it was hard to realize that this was the face of a person, who lived 3324 years ago. The most amazing thing about the features was how surprisingly true the current artists had been. The amazing gold death mask is a highly right portrait. Dr. Derry complete that Tutankhamun would have been 18 or over, but under 20 when he died. The Pharaoh had died young, but there was no available clue as to whether or not he had fit his death by nature. This would only become realize at a later date when the pharaoh was X- rayed.

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