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Pharaoh Neferkare

There are no contemporary memorials from the Pharaoh Neferkare. Many rulers have had this name and the sound components building up the name are really common. Archaeologists know him just from the 2 king lists from Áaka's tomb at Saqqara and the dedication in the papyrus from Turin called the Royal Canon of Turin. In the 3rd list of substance - the Abydos king list from a wall in the temple of pharaoh Seti I from the nineteenth dynasty, he does not subsist and nor does his immediate heir. This temple is from 1200 years afterward the 2nd dynasty and so are the additional two lists. If the deletion of him and his heir has to do with a custom in Abydos (with hostility to the northern Memphis region during the 2nd dynasty) we do not know.

In both the Saqqara and Turin lists he has the location between Sened and Neferkaseker and in Manteho's list he is in as is place under the Greek-formed call Nepherkheres.

At the close of the Old Kingdom about dynasty 6 his name comes to light on many rulers. This appearances that he and extra more or less nameless kings from the same time, was far from blanked out by the generations that abide by them. Picture at top right appearances the cartouche with Neferkare's name as it looks in the Sakkara list. It arrests the signs KA with the aroused arms (intending soul) and Nefer (a sign maybe showing a belly and a windpipe) intending beautiful and the sun (or really solar god) Re.


- Merenre II
- Nitocris
- Pharaoh Sened
- Pharaoh Nubnefer