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Where was Khufu Buried

We do no know in reality know if Khufu is entombed in the Pyramid of King Khufu or not. The Khufu Pyramid at Giza Egypt actually arrests two burial chambers. One lies directly below the construction, as is accustomed with other pyramids. The second burial chamber is placed at a height of about 138 feet (forty-two meters), and is attended by many belittled chambers and barbs that still haven't been in full explored. In the upper chamber investigators found a heavy, unfinished sarcophagus of pink granite that had never arrested anybody moral remains. Whether Khufu (who ruled from 2551-2528 BC - and as well known by his Greece name of Cheops) was buried in an even more secret spot, or whether he died in such that a way that his body was baffled, we don't know certainly.

It is thought that Khufu is entombed in the Pyramid of Khufu r the Giza pyramid, but it is'nt known for certain.

Agreeing to some scholars the Great Pyramid (near Cairo) was an astronomic notice place. For other scholars, the Great Pyramid was a position for religious ceremonials with forfeits. Some think that the Sphinx is ten thousand years old and the Great Pyramid was constructed at the like time and has nothing to do with the Egyptians.

- Evidence that Khufu entombed in the Pyramid of Khufu: First: Khufu’s father constructed a big pyramid also. Second: Khufu golden flatboat was buried at the four of the pyramid. Third: One hieroglyph with his name in a very backwoods depart of the pyramid.

- Evidence that Khufu was not buried in the Pyramid of Khufu: First: Traditionally, the sarcophagus is acquitted in. The unfinished one in the 'king's burial chamber' was constructed there and not acquitted. Second: If it was a tomb, there would have been hieroglyphics everyplace by the constructors and about the life and triumphs of Khufu alike all additional burial positions. There were not.

Proposal isn't likely:

He's entombed in the head of the Sphinx, the chambers in the pyramid were entailed as failsafe methods to protect their most confidant secrets (how they constructed the pyramids) aka the library of Egypt, alike why would you entomb it in the midst of nowhere with what a treasure map, no make a construction which will survive the essay of time.


Egypt Pyramid Tour is a great chance to watch the only surviving 7 wonder of the ancient world. Come and discover the landmark of Egypt, the great Pyramids of Giza on Egypt Pyramid Tour. Building on 'the ground of Nile' for around 4500 years, The Pyramids of Giza are not to be escaped on Tour to Egypt.

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