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Famous Pharaohs Blog, blog about ancient Egypt and ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.

In Famous Pharaohs blog you can read about: Famous Pharaohs, Famous Egyptian Pharaohs, Queen Hatshepsut, Tutankhamun, Khufu, List of Famous Pharaohs, Ramses II, Sneferu, Khafra, Amenhotep I, Thutmose III, Amenhotep III, Cleopatra, Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV), Nefertiti, Buildings of Hatshepsut, List of Egyptians Pharaohs, Family, Life and Childhood of Ramses II, Egypt Under Ramses II, The Death of Ramses II, Sneferu, Queen Ankhesenamun, Amenhotep II, Thutmose I, Thutmose II, Thutmose III, Thutmose IV, Djoser, Narmer, Seti I, Ramses I, Ramses III, Senusret II, Senusret III, The Predynastic Period, Archaic Period, The Old Kingdom, First Intermediate Period, The Middle Kingdom, The New Kingdom, Tutankhamun Tomb (KV62), Tutankhamun Mummy, Tutankhamun Jewelry, Tutankhamun Facts, King Sekhen, King Iry-Hor/Ro, King Ka, King Crocodile, King Lion, Scorpion I, Scorpion II, King Anendjib, King Semerkhet, King Qa'a (Kaa), King Sneferka, King Hetepsekhemwy, King Reneb, King Weneg ... and more.