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KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut)

KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut): A generally undecorated tomb constructed by the pharaoh Hatshepsut in the Valley of the Kings at point instantly behind her telling temple at Deir el Bahri. It's thought that the utmost length of the tomb was to enable her body would then lie in underneath her temple - even so the curve in the tomb appearances how the tomb constructors came over unsuitable rock and then the tomb had to bend from its designated route.

As the sarcophagus chamber was absolved by Howard Carter in 1920, he discovered 2 sarcophagi - one consisting to Hatshepsut and one which consisted to her father Tuthmosis I, both discharge.

The only ornament of the tomb was in the burial chamber, 15 limestone blocks which were autographed with texts of the Amduat.

Hatshepsut was entombed in a quartzite sarcophagus, this was in reality her 2nd sarcophagus - on exalting herself king Hatshepsut adjudicated not to use her archetype sarcophagus which was brought her while she was allay queen. Her archetype sarcophagus was re-carved for the entombment of her father Tuthmosis I.

KV20, plan and entrance

Tuthmosis I was as well buried inside KV20 on the death of Hatshepsut, but not for farseeing - Tuthmosis III was to displace his mummy into KV38 and bury him in afresh sarcophagus.

Other materialss discovered in KV20:

A cornerstone deposit of Hatsheput was discovered at the entrance to the tomb which admitted fragments of funerary furniture (inscribed with the names of Ahmose-Nefertari, King Tuthmosis I, Queen Ahmose and Hatshepsut), potsherds, fragments of faience and baked bits of a statue -perhaps a guardian statue.

A shabti figure consisting to Hatshepsut in The Hague.

Related Posts:

- KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb
- KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI)
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- KV10 (The tomb of Amenmesse)