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KV16 (The Tomb of Ramesses I)

KV16 (The Tomb of Ramesses I), placed in the East Valley, was the burial localize of the founder of the nineteenth dynasty, pharaoh Ramesses I. It was first researched by Giovanni Belzoni in 1817. The tomb entrance was blotted out sometime on the twenty-first dynasty, because the absence of any Greek or Latin graffiti certifies.

KV16 - The Burial chamber of Pharaoh Ramesses I flanked by figures acting Nekhen and PeTomb KV16 is among the smallest royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, its building being break short by the death of the older king.

KV16 Plan

KV16 (The Entrance)

Of the stepped entrance, a exclusive, short corridor leads to a 2nd stairway. This second staircase opens at once onto the burial chamber, which has two face chambers and a niche in the back wall. In the center of the burial chamber is the kings big, red granite sarcophagus. Alike the rest of the tomb, the sarcophagus is bare, its decoration hastily painted on, instead of being carved. The sarcophagus has affirmed damage to its eyelid and the upper abut of the box, maybe caused when the tomb was robbed once on the twentieth dynasty.

The medallion of the tomb, though painted, bears a accented resemblance to the style determined in the tomb of Horemheb (KV57). Presumptively many of the artists acted in both tombs. The scenes are related the Book of Gates, and totally have blue backgrounds. Higher up the Osiris niche in the back wall, there is a delineation of Ramesses I in a ceremony of exultation, flanked by the falcon-headed "soul of Pe" and the jackal-headed "soul of Nekhen", the traditional areas of upper Egypt.

With the rear wall Ramesses I is chaired into the bearing of Osiris by Horus. The burial chamber and left face chamber are the lone rooms in the tomb that are adorned.

The mummy was finally hived up in DB320 in the 10th regnal year of Saamen after antecedently being covered in KV17 (The tomb of Seti I aka Belzoni's tomb).

The rock in the tomb is broke and has suffered flood harm. Rain water acceded the tomb by joints and faults in the aerofoil limestone. The Supreme Council of ancientnesses or Antiquities has installed ceiling abides in the burial chamber approximately the sarcophagus to forbid further harm.

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