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KV18 (The Tomb of Ramesses X)

KV18 (The Tomb of Ramesses X) placed in the East Valley, was the burial lay of the 20th dynasty pharaoh Ramesses X. The tomb has been afford in part since antiquity. Howard Carter dug up an area close to the entrance in 1902, but brief is known of the tomb as a lot of it even remains uncleared.

The tomb entrance:

KV18 entrance was unfinished and very fiddling decoration remains. Just the first 2 corridors have as yet been cleared. At the entrance there was a parted stairs, while only some steps remain. Hither, on the breaks and thickness of the doorpost are the remains of the pharaoh's name. The first corridor, which was in full cut and decorated chairs into a 2nd corridor. There's a decrease into this second corridor, that was never totally cut. There remains existent rough steps ahead up to the deserted workface. The ceiling here has broke down, but a couple of big rectangular adjourn were butt in each wall close the ceiling.

KV18 Plan

The entrance to KV18

Fiddling decoration stays in the tomb. Due to water flooding, the Ramessid entrance motive absorbed by Champollion's artist Karl Richard Lepsius is baffled to us; only a assign of the left hand face of the design remains obvious.

Primitively the scene described the king, collectively with Isis and Nephthys, kneeling on either face of the sun disc with scarab and ram-headed deity.

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