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KV32 (The Tomb of Tia'a)


Tia'a was the wife of King Amenhotep II and mother of King Thutmose IV. kV32 or the Tomb of Tia'a was constructed on the base of a sheer drop, got at by a stairs and consists of corridors and chambers. The tomb was bare and never decorated.

Victor Loret (1859 - 1946) the French archaeologist was the chief of the Egyptian Antiquities Service. Loret started working on the royal and individual tombs in the Valley of the Kings about 1881. He as well discovered the tombs of pharaoh Thutmosis III and pharaoh Amenhotep II.

The Valley of the Kings is a burial site. The burial site or A necropolis is defined as a big cemetery or burial lay near the locate of a centre of an ancient civilization. The Valley of the Kings wherever the The Tomb of Tia'a was discovered, is located close the Ancient Egyptian city of Thebes <>. On that point about 63 tombs which have been ascertained in the Valley of the Kings consisting to the Pharaohs and chairing dignitaries. A lot of the tombs were attained by the Egyptian tomb robbers of antiquity but on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries renewed concern in Egyptology led European Egyptologists, such Victor Loret, to make additional excavations in the Valley of the Kings, desiring to find unexplored tombs, accomplished with fab treasures.

KV32 plan

The entrance to KV32

Each part on the subject of Egyptian Tombs accosts all issues and provides concerning facts and information about the Golden long time of Pharaohs and of Egypt. The Sitemap supplies full details of totally of the information and facts supplied about the absorbing subject of the The Tomb of Tia'a ascertained by Victor Loret.

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