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KV15 (The Tomb of Seti II)

KV15 (The Tomb of Seti II), placed in the East Valley, was the burial lay of the nineteenth dynasty pharaoh Seti II and was first researched by Howard Carter in 1902 and 1903. The tomb has been assailable since antiquity, over 60 Greek and other graffiti discovered on the walls of the tomb attest that it rested open end-to-end the later Graeco-Roman era.

KV15 - Entrance:

The entrance of KV15 is cut straight into the vertical cliff side at the head of a branch wadi.

From the brusk entrance 3 long corridors lead to the Hall of awaiting, which is minus its good shaft. The Hall of awaiting opens onto the 4 pillared Chariot Hall which has a central ancestry ahead directly to the burial chamber, which was adjusted from an bare corridor.

The decoration of the tomb seems to have been accomplished in a rush, probably ascribable the kings death. The 1st corridor and the Chariot Hall are decorated in dipped and raised alleviation, but the decoration in the remainder of the tomb is knocked off paint lonely; in the second and 3rd corridors, only overture sketches were painted on a greyish brown plaster aerofoil.

Across the entrance to the 1st corridor is a sun disk with a scarabaeus and a ram headed god, bordered by the kneeling anatomies of the goddesses Isis and Nephthys. Ciphered on the jambs of the threshold are the names of Seti II with an image of Ma'at, also shown kneel. On the left wall of the first corridor are images of Seti II making offers to Re-Horakhty and Nefertem while the right wall appearances scenes of Sokar and Seti II bringing in offerings to Re-Horakhty. The remnant of the corridor shows aspects from the Litany of Re, while the ceiling is painted with flew vultures (below right).

The 2d corridor, whose decoration belongs of overture sketches, exposes further scenes of Seti II on dieties and sections from the Litany of Re. Additionally there are scenes from the Amduat which continue in the 3rd corridor. The Hall of awaiting isn't decorated with the usual scenes of the king with dieties, but instead the intact chamber bears agencies of funerary objects, including figurines of gods and pharaohs.

The Chariot Hall is adorned with scenes of the Book of Gates. On the back wall is a double aspect of King Seti II offering an picture of Ma'at and 2 vases to Osiris. The belittled burial chamber is adorned with the Book of Gates and additional scenes of the king on dieties.

Fragmentises of his red granite sarcophagus chapeau were present inside this tomb, merely no trace of the existent box was ever discovered. These fragments have been bushelled and reassembled to give an depression of the original show of the sarcophagus. The top of the lid is lacking, along with the face of the king. Even so, the head of the goddess Nut is today in the Egyptian accumulation in Paris at the Louvre museum.

The story of KV15 isn't known in full. There is definite attest of the erasure of Seti II's names accompanied by their recarving, and these cuts may have occurred either during the encroachment of Amenmesses (most expected) or on the reign of Siptah and after restored by Twosert.

It's conceivable that the body of the king was at first interred in KV14 with his married woman, Twosert, then reburied by Setnakhte in the deserted KV15, which was then quickly completed. Whether this was so, or the king was at first buried in his own bare tomb, the body was later absented and localized in a coffin in the KV35 lay away.

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