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King Bakare (2550-2548)

King Bakare was the fourth ruler of the Nubian Twenty-fifth Dynasty He  ruled  from  664  B.C.E. to   657  B.C.E. He  then secluded from Egypt and perchance dominated for a clock in Nubia, modern Sudan. Tanutamun was a nephew of Taharqa, who  had  suffered  overcome  at  the  hands  of  the  Assyrians. When  Assurbanipal assaulted  Egypt  and  empty  Thebes, Tanutamun  withdrawn  to  Nubia.  He  had  won back  Thebes, Aswan, and Memphis preexisting to Assurbanipals encroachment. In that campaign he put Necho I to dying in 664 B.C.E. and forced Psammetichus I to flee to Assyria.

A  stela  inscribed  in  Gebel Barkal depicts  Tanutamuns  coronation  at  Napata  in  664  B.C.E. Called  the Dream  Stela,  this  monument  besides  details  King Tanutamuns dream of two snakes. He believed this vision typified that he would rule both Upper and Lower Egypt. Tanutamun was forgot at Nuri, the royal necropolis in Nubia.