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The Northern Pyramid of Bakare at Zawyet el-Aryan

The Northern Pyramid of Bakare at Zawyet el-Aryan
Microscopic remains today of another social system, assumed to be a second bare pyramid at Zawyet el-Aryan. This was likewise excavated by Barsanti in 1903, who discovered only a huge leaning trench leading to a pit. Traces of a square platform measuring about 200m square signals that if the pyramid had been finished it would have been similar in size to Khafre's monument at Giza. Stylistically this would give the construction a date of Dynasty IV, probably between the reigns of Djedefre and Khafre. The staying elements are said to resemble Djedefre's pyramid at Abu Rawash. Great blocks of limestone and granite lie on the base of the impinge and may have been intended for use in the inhumation chamber. At the bottom of the trench there was a larger oval pink granite sarcophagus, which may or may not belong to the structure. Significantly, Petrie found fragmentizes of a similar styled sarcophagus while locating Djedefre's complex at Abu Rawash.

During Barsanti's excavations, archaeologists were confused when the trench filled with rain which very speedily drained to about a metre deep, suggesting that there may have been an undiscovered transit or chamber to a lower place the trench. Unfortunately the social system has never been encourage inquired because of its unavailability in the military zone. There have been many candidates proposed for the ownership of this unfinished monument which, had it been finished, may have rivalled some of the outstanding pyramids of the Old Kingdom. Near Egyptologists currently date the construction to Dynasty IV. Evidence put forward to hold this dating take the use of large blocks of stone, the rounded granite sarcophagus and the size of the structure's base. Masons marks with the king's figure have been found on some of the blocks. These have been difficult to interpret take out that the name was involved in a cartouche which proposes the ruler essential have come after Huni (the last king of Dynasty III), who was the first noted king to write his name this way. Many now suggest that it was a social organisation belonging a king coming between Djedefre and Khafre, peradventure a son of Khufu or Djedefre who dominated for only a very short period.