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Egyptian Myth of Creation, Horus with Isis and Osiris

From God Geb, the sky God, and Nut, the earth goddess got four children: Osiris, Isis, Set and Nepthys. Osiris was the oldest and thus got king of Egypt, and he married his sister Isis. Osiris was a good king and commanded the respect of all who went the earth and the gods who dwelled in the infernal region. However, Set was always jealous of Osiris, because he did not statement the respect of those on earth or those in the netherworld. One day, Set varied himself into a heavy monster and attacked Osiris, killing him. Set then cut Osiris into pieces and widespread them passim the length and largeness of Egypt.

With Osiris dead, Set gone king of Egypt, with his sister Nepthys as his married woman.  Nepthys, however, felt sorry for her sister Isis, who wept ceaselessly over her lost husband.  Isis, who had great magical powers, decided to find her husband and take him back to life long enough so that they could have a child.  Together with Nepthys, Isis wound the country, collection the men of her husbands body and reassembling them.  Once she completed this project, she ultrasonic the breather of life into his body and raised him.  They were unneurotic again, and Isis became significant soon after. Osiris was able to descend into the underworld, where he gone the lord of that domain. The child born to Isis was described Horus, the hawk-god.  When he grown an adult, Horus decided to make a case before the courtroom of gods that he, not Set, was the true king of Egypt.  A long period of controversy followed, and Set taken exception Horus to a repugn.  The winner would got pharaoh.

Set, still, did not play fair. After several matches in which Set wandered and was the master, Horus mother, Isis, decided to help her son and set a trap for Set. She hooked him, but Set begged for his life, and Isis let him go.  When he found out that she had let his enemy live, Horus gone angry with his mother, and rages against her, earning him the contempt of the other gods.  They settled that there would be one more catch, and Set would get to take what it would be. Set determined that the final round of the contest would be a boat race.  However, in order to make the contest a challenge, Set settled that he and Horus should speed boats made of stone.  Horus was tricky and established a boat made of wood, treated with limestone plasterwork, which seemed like stone.  As the gods gathered for the race, Set cut the top off of a mountain to serve as his boat and localized it in the water.  His boat settled right away, and all the other gods expressed joy at him.  Angry, Set translated himself into a hippo and assailed Horus boat.  Horus defended off Set, but the other gods broken him before he could kill Set.  The other gods decided that the match was a tie.  Many of the Egyptian gods were gentle to Horus, but thought his anger toward his mother for being clement to Set, and were unconscious to back him completely.

The gods who worked the court decided to write a letter to Osiris and ask for his advice.  Osiris replied with a decided answer: his son is the true king, and should be localized upon the throne. No one, said Osiris, should take the throne of Egypt through an pretend of dispatch, as Set had done.  Set had killed Osiris, but Horus did not defeated anyone, and was the better nominee.  The sun and the stars, who were Osiris allies, descended into the underworld, admitting the world in darkness.  Finally, the gods united that Horus should claim his birthright as king of Egypt.