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The Elder Horus (Haroeris)

The elder Horus is one of the earliest gods of Egypt, born of the organized between Geb (earth) and Nut (sky) shortly after the innovation of the world. His older brother Osiris was given the responsibleness of superior the earth along with Isis while Horus was given charge of the sky and, specifically, the sun. In different rendering of the story, Horus is the son of Hathor while, in others, she is his married woman and, sometimes, she is mother, wife, and daughter girl of Horus. The scholar Geraldine Pinch notes that "one of the earliest bright images experienced from Egypt is that of a falcon in a bark" representing Horus in the sun lighter traveling across the heavens. Horus is also depicted as a creator deity and big protector. There were many falcon gods (known as Avian Deities) in Egyptian organized religion who were eventually absorbed into the god experienced as Horus. Some, such as Dunanwi from Upper Egypt, look early in history while others, like Montu, were frequent later. Horus' early association with Dunanwi has been disputed by scholars but there is no doubt he was later combined with the deity as Horus-Anubis. Dunanwi was a local god of the 18th upper nome (province) while Horus was widely revered throughout the country. It is possible that, like Inanna in Mesopotamia, the figure of Horus got as a local deity such as Dunanwi but it appears more likely that Horus was fully seen early in Egypt's religious evolution.

Famous Egyptologist, Wilkinson (R. H.), remarks on how "Horus was one of the early of Egyptian deities. His name is attested from the beginning of the Dynastic Period and it is liable that early falcon gods such as that shown limiting the `marsh dwellers' on the Narmer Palette be this same god" (200) Rulers of the Predynastic Period in Egypt (6000-3150 BCE) were famous as "Followers of Horus" which manifests to an even advance point of idolatry in Egypt's history.

In his purpose as The Cold One he does the same job as The Distant Goddess, a office linked with Hathor (and a number of other female deities) who go forth from Ra and return, bringing transformation. The sun and the moon were taken Horus' eyes as he observed over the people of the world mean solar day and night but could also draw good to them in times of problem or doubt. Reckoned as a falcon, he could fly far from Ra and regaining with vital information and, in the said way, could quickly bring comfort to those in need.